what does strawberry smoothie do to your body

Strawberry banana smoothies are a cold, sweet beverage typically made by blending together strawberries, bananas, plain or vanilla-flavored low-fat yogurt and ice cubes.

Recipes for this treat vary, however, and sometimes include milk or heavy cream and other ingredients. Using other ingredients may increase fat and calories, as well as impact the degree of creaminess and thickness. But heres a general overview of strawberry banana smoothie nutrition facts:

A strawberry smoothie is a great source of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, and it helps with hydration.
what does strawberry smoothie do to your body

Potential for High Sugar Content

The sugar content of a strawberry banana smoothie can vary, depending on whether your recipe calls for added sugars, such as granulated sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners. Bananas and strawberries have a high level of natural sugars; however, foods with naturally occurring sugars generally enhance your diet because of their nutritional value.

A 12-ounce serving of strawberry banana smoothie can contain up to 44 grams of sugar. The American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sugar consumption to 6 to 9 teaspoons per day, the equivalent of 25.2 to 37.8 grams. A diet high in added sugars can increase your risk of obesity and tooth decay.

The vitamin C content in a serving of strawberry banana smoothie is excellent, thanks to the strawberries — each 12 ounce serving of smoothie contains up to 70 percent of the recommended daily intake.

The reputation vitamin C holds as a common cold fighter has more to do with its cell repair benefits than any effectiveness against viruses. This vitamin, an antioxidant, helps ward off damage from free radicals and plays a critical role in healing wounds.

A strawberry banana smoothie also boosts your calcium consumption; a 12-ounce portion of smoothie provides 8 to 10 percent of the calcium you need daily. The amount of calcium you ingest influences the strength of your bones and teeth, your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels.

Women, in particular, should consider drinking strawberry banana smoothies to increase their calcium intake — as women age, they need more calcium to keep their bones strong.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie Calories

A 12-ounce serving of strawberry banana smoothie contains 188 to 210 calories, putting it into the range of an ideal snack. Limit snack calories to 100 to 200 — this amount gives you enough of a boost to take the edge off hunger pangs until your next meal but doesnt use up too many calories in those allotted for your meal plan.

This portion of smoothie is low in fat, containing no more than 1 gram of fat, although this can vary depending on how your smoothie is made. The ingredients also influence the number of carbohydrates and protein. A 12-ounce serving of smoothie can provide 2 to 44 grams of carbohydrates and 2 to 16 grams of protein.

These macronutrients serve as sources of energy for your body, so it is vital to eat enough of them to meet your nutritional goals — the Institute of Medicine recommends 130 grams of carbs and 46 to 56 grams of protein each day. Monitor carbohydrate consumption, however; including too many carbohydrates in your meal plan can contribute to excess weight gain.

what does strawberry smoothie do to your body

what does strawberry smoothie do to your body

what does strawberry smoothie do to your body

Read more: 10 Skinny Smoothies That Will Help You Bust Belly Fat

Drinking Smoothies Every Day Would Do This To Your Body


What does strawberry do to the human body?

Antioxidants in strawberries, including vitamin C, can support your immune system and may lower your chances of getting sick when you’re around germs. They may also help curb inflammation, manage your blood sugar, and guard against health conditions like high cholesterol, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Are strawberry shakes healthy?

Here are some potential benefits: Rich in Vitamins and Antioxidants: Strawberries are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which can contribute to a healthy immune system and protect cells from damage. Calcium Intake: Milk is a good source of calcium, essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

Are strawberry smoothies good for skin?

– Strawberries: They are high in vitamin C, which is known for it’s anti-inflammatory benefits and can help reduce inflammation that is related to acne.

Is it good to drink strawberry banana smoothie everyday?

Regularly consuming a strawberry banana smoothie can offer several health benefits. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber, promoting heart health and immune function.

Are strawberry smoothies too sweet?

Often smoothies are too bitter or overly sweet. This strawberry smoothie is lightly sweet, with just the right berry essence. Here’s what you’ll need to make this strawberry smoothie!

Why are smoothies bad for you?

Smoothies contain blended fruits which are not nutritionally equivalent to the whole fruit, as blending can break down insoluble fiber. Also, smoothies can be high in sugar. The best type of smoothies are the ones that contain also vegetables and low sugar fruits, such as smoothie of spinach, kale, avocado, ginger, lemon, apple, berries.

Why should you eat a smoothie?

One great trait of smoothies is that you can sneak almost any fruit and many vegetables into them while still making them taste good. Studies show that eating enough fruits and vegetables each day reduces the risk of chronic diseases and helps you maintain a healthy body weight.

How long does a strawberry smoothie last?

Smoothies are best eaten immediately. But this strawberry smoothie actually lasts 1 to 2 days refrigerated, stored in a sealed container or a mason jar with the lid on. It may separate, which is perfectly natural. Just shake it up and you’re good to go! This strawberry smoothie recipe is… Vegetarian and gluten-free.

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