what is a tortilla called in spain

Apple pie is to America what the tortilla de patatas is to Spain—a national culinary icon. While paella and gazpacho may have more international recognition, ask any Spaniard what dish best sums up the essence of all things Spanish and they will, without a doubt, say tortilla.

But what is a Spanish omelet, anyway? Does it have anything to do with Mexican tortillas? Where does it come from, and how do Spaniards enjoy it today?

Tortilla de patatas, also known as tortilla española, tortilla, or in English as Spanish omelet, is a staple in the kitchen of any Spanish home cook. Each household has their go-to recipe: some prefer their tortilla runny, while others like it cooked through.

But how did this humble potato omelet become such a beloved fixture of national cuisine? Read on to discover what a Spanish omelet is, where it comes from, and how to eat one like a local.

It is commonly known in Spanish-speaking countries as tortilla de patatas, tortilla de papas, or tortilla española.
what is a tortilla called in spain

How to Eat a Spanish Omelet

Today, tortilla de patatas is a staple of local cuisine in Madrid, and it’s hard to find a bar or restaurant in the capital that doesn’t serve this Spanish classic. That said, there are definitely some places that do it better than others. Be sure to check out our guide to the best tortillas in Madrid if you’re craving Spanish omelet!

And of course, as with all Spanish dining experiences, there are a couple of unwritten rules regarding how to eat tortilla. Here are a few pointers that will help you enjoy it like a local.

With or Without Onion?

Now back to that single controversial addition: onion. Who knew one little ingredient could cause such a fuss?

In Spain, there is no topic more controversial than that of whether to use onion in your tortilla or not. The diehard purists, the sin cebollistas (the without onion-ers), insist a true tortilla is pure eggs and potatoes. Nothing more, nothing less.

On the other hand, cebollistas (the pro onion-ers) argue the contrary: Onions help round out the flavor of the Spanish omelet. The radicals take it a step further, adding not just onion, but Spanish peppers, tuna, chorizo, eggplants—you name it!

A twist on Spanish omelet with green peppers served pintxo style in the Basque Country.

If tortilla was born in Extremadura, then it finally came of age in Catalonia. Chef Ferran Adrià of the world-famous El Bulli restaurant revolutionized this classic dish when he created the deconstructed Spanish omelette. Adrià pioneered this new style of cooking, one which reduces a dish down to only its elements, while maintaining all of its flavor.

For Adrià ’s tortilla de patatas, he first reduces the classic tortilla to just its essence: eggs, potatoes and onions. He then cooks them separately. The finished deconstructed product is one-part potato foam (food-foaming being another one of Adrià ’s inventions), one-part onion pureé and one-part egg-white zabaione, served layered one on top of the other in a sherry glass, with potato crumbs added as garnish.

Adrià ’s version of this classic dish breaks completely with tradition to great effect. Unfortunately, El Bulli closed in 2011 so, for now, the deconstructed tortilla de patatas will have to wait.

Thankfully, Adrià isn’t the only one shaking things up. One of the latest and most creative variations on the tortilla is made right here in Madrid!

At Tortillas de Gabino, they replace potatoes in one of the tortillas on their menu with….drumroll please…potato chips! Tortilla with a crunch! It’s the perfect marriage of old and new, and the perfect Spanish omelet for the modern age.

Spanish omelet made with eggplant.

Traditional Spanish Tortilla – Why It’s So Famous And Loved


What is a flour tortilla called in Spain?

They’re called “tortilla de trigo” if they’re made with wheat, or “tortilla de maíz” if they’re made with corn. We bought some just the other day. “Tortilla” is an omelette in Spain, but also a diminutive of “torta”, a round and flat cake or bread, and we know what the Mexicans call “tortilla”.

What is another name for Spanish tortilla?

The Spanish tortilla is much more than a variety of bread: it is a traditional dish all by itself. Known in English as Spanish omelet, this popular collation is also called tortilla española or tortilla de patata (potato omelet) in Spanish, because of its origin and its main ingredient.

Does tortilla mean the same thing in Spain and in Mexico?

In Spain, a tortilla is a kind of omelette, with ingredients added – frequently sliced cooked potato and onion. However, over in Mexico, a tortilla is a kind of flat unleavened bread.

What does tortilla mean in Spanish?

The word tortilla, which is the diminutive form of torta, literally means ‘small cake’. In European Spanish and in some variants of Latin American Spanish, it means omelette. A potato omelette is a tortilla de patatas or papas.

Do Spanish tortillas have onions?

Click here to learn how to make a Spanish tortilla. Whether or not Spanish tortillas should include onion is a subject of heated debate. Those who prefer their tortillas with onions are called concebollistas (literally, with onion people ), and those who prefer them with no onions are called sincebollistas (literally, without onions people ).

What ingredinets do you use to make Spanish tortillas?

Like cage-free organic eggs and a great Spanish Olive Oil. These ingredinets, make all the difference in this Spanish tortilla. TIPS & TRICKS to Make this Recipe: To make this Spanish tortilla I used a Spanish Omelette Pan. This pan is specifically made to make Spanish tortillas. It makes the flip to cook the other side effort-less.

What is a Spanish tortilla omelet?

The Spanish tortilla is a big omelet made with papas / patatas ( potatoes) and huevos ( eggs ). Cebollas ( onions) may also be included, though some people like their tortillas without onions. Spanish tortillas may also include chorizo ( chorizo ), bonito ( tuna) and queso ( cheese ), among other fillings and toppings.

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