how do you heat up chili in the microwave

Chili is super easy to make in bulk (I do it all the time). But what’s the best way to reheat chili without affecting its taste or texture? I experimented with four different reheating methods to find out.

The best way to reheat chili is on the stove. Pour your leftover chili into a cold pan and reheat over medium heat, stirring frequently. If the chili has thickened overnight, add a splash of water or stock until it reaches your desired consistency.

Microwave Method Guidelines Covering: Place a microwave-safe lid or cover loosely with microwave-safe plastic wrap to contain moisture and prevent splattering. Poke a few holes in the plastic wrap for ventilation. Heat Settings: Reheat the chili using high power in short intervals, typically 30 seconds.
how do you heat up chili in the microwave

Reheating chili in a slow cooker

While slow cookers are an excellent option for making chili in the first place, I do NOT recommend using them to reheat chili. A slow cooker would take too long to reheat the chili and could potentially leave it in the unsafe zone for bacteria for too long.

However, you can reheat chili in the oven or on the stove and then transfer it to the slow cooker to keep it warm until you’re ready to serve. Lots of slow cookers come with warming settings that will safely keep food hot for up to two hours.

How to store chili

Allow the chili to cool slightly before storing it in an airtight container in the fridge. The chili will last 4-5 days.

Aim to have the chili in the fridge within 2 hours of it being cooked. If it’s going to take too long to cool down, transfer the chili into smaller containers or submerge the pot in an ice bath.

Note that sometimes chili can stain plastic containers, so I prefer to use glass ones. Or you can use a trick I learned from YouTube and spray the plastic container with cooking spray before putting the chili in. This will provide some protection against staining.

How to Freeze Chili & Reheat it For Future Lunches & Dinners


Can you heat chilli in the microwave?

How do you heat up a can of chili? Simply remove the lid from the can and place the chili in a microwave-safe dish. Heat on high for 1-2 minutes, or until the chili is hot.

What’s the best way to reheat chili?

Spray slow cookers and nonstick pots and saucepans with cooking spray to keep the reheated chili from sticking when it gets hot. For smaller servings, you can also microwave a single bowl at a time.

How long do you heat up chili with beans in the microwave?

Microwave on HIGH 1 1/2 min. Careful, leave in microwave 1 min. (For warmer soup, heat another 30 seconds.)

Can you microwave a can of chili?

Empty chili into microwavable bowl; cover loosely. Heat for 2 to 3 minutes or until hot, stirring once. Let chili stand in microwave 1 minute and stir before serving.

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