how do i train to be a waitstaff

how do i train to be a waitstaff

TIP #6: Shadow them

Once the training has been done and you are ready to see them in action, let them take the reigns for a while. Inform them that they will be handling everything from A to Z and you’ll be following them to make sure that they are serving the guests properly. Be ready to jump in when they aren’t sure and take mental notes on anything that they are doing that doesn’t meet your restaurant’s standards. At the end of the day, go over what they need to work on, point out any strong points or things that they did perfectly, and ask if they have any questions or comments about how they believe their service was.

TIP #4 : Ask questions

This is the best way for new servers to learn, especially when it comes to learning the menu. Ask them to describe certain dishes for you. If they stumble or come out with a wishy-washy description, show them the correct way of describing the restaurants meals and tell them to practice. Ask them to name all the beers the restaurant offers on tap. They may respond, for example, like this “Uh…Heineken…um, Guinness….” so be prepared to show off a little and show them how you list off all the beers. Asking questions before customers get a chance to ask them is the best way for them to prepared when it comes time for them to take orders. Feel free to ask questions out of the blue and don’t be afraid to put them on the spot. During a rush, they’ll need to be prepared so catch them off guard so when the time comes they aren’t flailing for answers.

Waiter Training :: Steps of Service


What training does a waitress need?

Typically, no formal education is required to become a waiter or waitress. However, some employers require or prefer that workers have a high school diploma.

How do I get a waitstaff job?

Follow these steps to get a waitstaff job: 1. Gain work experience Employers offer job training to new servers who don’t have prior experience in this kind of position, but you can prepare yourself for the role by gaining relevant work experience. Aspiring waitstaff members can first work in positions as hosts, bussers or food runners.

Should a waitstaff training team cross training with other employees?

Cross training with other employees provides valuable insight into how a particular restaurant operates. Before new servers start working with your waitstaff training team, it can be very helpful to have them train with some other key positions first.

What skills do you need to be a waitstaff?

About 40% of waitstaffs have a bachelor’s degree. The three most common skills for waitstaffs are food service, beverage orders, and culinary. 72.7% of waitstaffs are women, while 27.3% are men. The best waitstaff employer is Mayo Clinic. There are certain skills that many waitstaffs have in order to accomplish their responsibilities.

How do you train a waiter or waitress?

Restaurant Layout – During waiter or waitress training, be sure to identify key routes to the most important parts of the facility. Additionally, your staff will always want to be aware of the surroundings, so point out potential problem areas as well.

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