why is my beef bourguignon tough

There are some comfort foods that are so ubiquitous, most of us dont even give a second thought to the finer details of how theyre made. Were talking about those staples like chicken pot pie, baked ham, and spaghetti and meatballs that weve made a million times and never really questioned. But what if it turned out that there are some mistakes youve been making with one of your favorite comfort food dishes for years? When it comes to beef stew, there are actually a lot of little details you need to pay attention to if you want your dish to be a hit, not a disappointment.

If youre not paying attention, your stew can come out a mess: tough meat, bland broth, a gloppy texture, vegetables that have been cooked until theyre total mush. Luckily, rectifying these mistakes doesnt take a lot of work. You can churn out tureens of stew that are worthy of serving company by making a few tweaks to your standard recipe. Major things to pay attention to? The cut of meat you use, the consistency of your broth, and the types of seasonings you include in the mix, for starters.

Read about some of the common mistakes youre probably making with your beef stew, and the next time you make it, your taste buds will thank you.

why is my beef bourguignon tough

You use the wrong cut of meat for beef stew

While a well-marbled ribeye steak or a luxurious filet mignon might catch your eye at the supermarket, if youre making beef stew, you should pass these prized cuts right on by. Thats because those tender steaks would be wasted by a slow braise or simmer. Filet mignon is too lean and tender to benefit from slow cooking, and if you try to braise a rib eye, all of that luscious fat will render right out of it, leaving you with shriveled up pieces of dry beef youll want to pick out of your bowl.

Instead, you should look for a heartier, tougher cut of beef. You want meat that has a lot of collagen-rich connective tissue, which will break down over the low and slow cooking period, leading to chunks of beef that are unctuous, tender, and flavorful, not dry and tough.

Turn to cuts like chuck roast (the front shoulder) or a round roast (from the rear). Both of these meats are tough and chewy if you cook them up quickly, but cook them slowly and the collagen and fat within melts and tenderizes the protein, while also adding lots of flavor and body to the broth of your stew. An added benefit? These cuts are usually much cheaper per pound than the fancier steaks on the market.

You don’t check for seasoning before serving your beef stew

You added a bunch of spices and aromatics to your stew pot, along with flavorful liquids and your seared beef. So itll probably come out of the pot tasting perfect, right? Unfortunately, thats not always the case.

Even if you think youve packed your stew with flavor, its important to taste it once the beef is done cooking, before youve ladled it into bowls and rang the dinner bell. Thats because your stew might need some adjustments.

One of the most common things youll need to change about your stew is the salt content. If youve proceeded with caution, using a modest hand with the salt and adding low-sodium stock or broth, then theres a chance youll need to add more salt before serving.

If its almost salty enough but missing a bit of a depth of flavor, a few drops of soy sauce, Gravy Master, Maggi, or Worcestershire sauce might be the secret ingredient needed to set your stew over the edge. Sometimes, your stew might even call for a pinch of brown sugar, the slight sweetness adding a hint of caramelized flavor if you didnt brown your meat or onions enough before stewing, or if its already salty enough and needs something to balance it out.

Its an easy step to skip if youve been smelling stew all day and are ravenous, but adjusting the seasoning before you serve could save you and your taste buds from regret.

How To Turn Tough Meat Into Tender Perfection


Can you overcook a beef bourguignon?

Can you overcook beef bourguignon? Although this is a sturdy dish that can withstand hours of cooking, depending on the cut and size of the meat pieces, it is possible to overcook it as all the melting fat renders out of the meat, leaving it quite dry to bite into.

Does beef stew meat get more tender the longer it cooks?

The most important key to making stew meat tender is being sure to cook it for a long time. If you want super tender beef, you’ll need to cook it on a low heat in a Dutch oven on the stove or a slow cooker for at least a few hours.

How do you fix tough beef stew?

That’s actually better than the expensive steak for a stew. Just keep cooking it for a few more hours or so. It’ll take 4 – 5 hours for most stewing/braising meat to tenderize. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t tender after another hour or two.

Why is my beef stew not softening?

Now if your meat is tough after the stewing process, then there’s a few things that might have gone wrong. Two options really, either it is really a poor cut of beef, or more likely it hasn’t been cooked for long enough. Usually 3 hours in the oven in a casserole dish at 180C/350F should make any cut of beef tender.

What does boeuf bourguignon taste like?

Boeuf Bourguignon consists of beef (usually a tough, inexpensive cut like chuck), red wine , beef stock, carrots, aromatics like garlic and onion , pearl onions , mushrooms, and bacon. It tastes robust, comforting, velvety, and complex—think of Beef Burgundy as the French equivalent of classic Beef Stew. Chuck Roast.

What is beef bourguignon?

It will make you feel warm from the inside out! Also called “Beef Bourguignon” or “Bœuf Bourguignon,” this beef stew braised in red wine and beef stock originated in France. A classic recipe typically includes carrots, onions, garlic and a variety of herbs, and may be garnished with pearl onions, mushrooms and bacon.

How do you pronounce boeuf bourguignon?

Boeuf Bourguignon is pronounced “booff boar-gone-yawn.” It translates to “Burgundy Beef” (“beouf” is French for “beef” and “Bourguignon” is French for “Burgundian”). Boeuf Bourguignon consists of beef (usually a tough, inexpensive cut like chuck), red wine , beef stock, carrots, aromatics like garlic and onion , pearl onions , mushrooms, and bacon.

How long does beef bourguignon take to cook?

The stew is flavored with red wine, beef stock, garlic, pearl onions, bacon lardon, and mushrooms, and cooked over low heat for at least 1 to 2 hours until the meat is extremely tender. Today’s easy beef bourguignon includes all of the traditional components, but comes together in just 30 minutes.

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