how long will cookies in a jar last

Our quick and easy Cookie Storage Tips will help keep your homemade delights fresh as long as possible.

how long will cookies in a jar last

Keep Your Cookies Moist With A Bread Slice

For chewy cookies that you want to keep chewy, place them in a zipper-lock bag with half a slice of bread slipped inside. This nifty trick will keep your cookies fresh as the day you baked them by drawing in moisture from the bread slice. Weird? Yes. Delicious? Also, yes.

Keep Your Cookies In An Airtight Container

Containers that are airtight are perfect for storing cookies because they keep moisture away. Containers like ceramic cookie jars may look beautiful, but they are often not airtight and can make your cookies go stale in a hurry. To make this kind of cookie jar airtight, just slip your cookies in a zipper-lock bag before you put them in your jar.

Once you’ve selected your cookie container, and you’re ready to stash your cookies, try layering them. Layering will keep your cookies fresh and safe from cracking. To do this, cut a sheet of parchment paper to the size of your cookie container and place a piece of parchment between each layer until your container is full.

While filling your container, keep in mind that cookies will draw in flavors from other cookies. Make sure that when you’re stashing them, your cookies are either all the same flavor or at the very least complimentary. The last thing you want to bite into is a peanut butter & mint-flavored cookie.

If your cookies are frosted, place them in a single layer. This will keep the icing where it belongs, on top of the cookies. If your cookies are meant to be crunchy, don’t worry about using an airtight container. These types of cookies, like Cinnamon Ginger- Graham Snaps , taste even better when allowed to breathe.

How to Keep Your Cookies Soft for Days

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