is it ok to use out of date lard

Lard is a butchery mixture made out of the mechanization of fat pork, from which they extract the fat deposit underneath the skin of the glutei, lower back, and retro-occipital. The latter is broken, put under spices and salt, and subjected to a maturing process in tanks or basins.

There are two types of lard: Colonnata and Arnad. The former is a PGI product (Protected Geographic Product), and it is seasoned with chopped black pepper, peeled garlic, sea salt, rosemary, various spices (like nutmeg, cinnamon, carnation, and coriander) and cut into big pieces.

Its ageing takes about six months inside specific tanks made of marble. They are the same ones used to age brine.

Regarding the Arnad lard, it requires an ageing process of twelve months inside these wooden basins that are called doils. It’s a DPO product, and it is produced in a town of the same name in Valle d’Aosta.

Since it’s a product containing a high level of saturated fat, it’s specifically made to undergo peroxidative ageing, so it is paramount to know the best ways to store it. But what are these ways? Let’s find out together!

While eating expired lard might not make you sick immediately, it’s still not a good idea. Besides, expired lard usually tastes and has foul odors – not very tasty! The best thing you can do with expired lard is to throw it out.
is it ok to use out of date lard

All the ways you can use lard to cook

Lard is a versatile meat, and it can be used in different ways. You can pair it with toasted bread, on which it would melt to create a tasty union.

It also can be used to garnish and stuff red and lean meat, shellfish, fish, first courses, or sauces.

You are allowed to make it the main character of a decadent sandwich. Perhaps you can add pickled vegetables to counterbalance the substantial fatty part.

Nutritional values of the lard

100g of lard contains 891 Kcal, of which:

  • 95mg of cholesterol;
  • 99g of fat, of which 33.12g saturated fat, 37.14 monosaturated fat, and 28.77g of polysaturated fat;
  • 1mg of potassium; and
  • No presence of proteins and carbohydrates.

From the data listed above, you can tell that the lard is a product that is exceptionally high in fat and therefore must be eaten with extreme care. Besides weight gain, there is an increased risk of developing other health-related issues, starting from a high level of bad cholesterol.

We do not recommend this product for people who already suffer from it since it would only worsen.

Can I Use Out Of Date Lard?


How long is lard good after expiration date?

Lard isn’t likely to go rancid until it’s been stored at room temperature beyond six months, in the fridge for over a year, or in the freezer for several years.

What causes lard to go rancid?

Rancidity in lard is due to the chemical break-down of some of the fats and the addition of oxygen.

Does rendered fat go bad?

Here’s a general guideline for how long different types of rendered fat can be stored: Tallow (beef fat) and lard (pork fat): Properly stored fats can last up to a year in a cool, dark place. For longer storage, consider refrigeration or freezing, ensuring the container is well-sealed to avoid moisture or contaminants.

How long can you keep lard if it is out of date?

While out-of-date lard can still be used for a couple of weeks past the printed date, especially if stored in the fridge, it’s always best to check for signs of spoilage before using it. How long can you keep lard? Lard can last about six months at room temperature and up to a year in the fridge.

What are the ways to keep dates fresh?

To keep the dates fresh, they can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks, or they can be stored in a dry place away from the sun to maintain their properties.

Can you eat expired lard?

Like most products, you’re likely safe to eat lard when it’s only slightly past its expiration date. However, if you notice any signs that the expired lard is going bad (we’ll cover that next!), then you should throw it out and not take any chances of getting an upset stomach from eating rancid lard.

Does lard last forever?

Keeping lard in an airtight, cool, and temperature-stable condition is essential to long life. Yes, it is true, in what is sure to be a shock to some of the older folks reading: lard does not last forever, despite what our grandparents may have told us.

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