can you cook steak over a campfire

The perfect campfire steak is pretty simple. You only need two ingredients! Great quality meat and a fire.

Get your fire going! Rub oil directly onto the steaks and then rub your desired seasonings on top. Cook the steak on the barbecue grill plate over the coals, turning when needed. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the steak and remove it from the heat just before your desired doneness.
can you cook steak over a campfire


You can take 2 routes for your camfire steak. You can go ahead and buy the meat that’s on special that’s only 1 inch thick but I guarantee that it won’t be great.

You got to treat yourself! A good, thick, perfectly marbled ribeye on the bone will set you back at least 50$ but you will definitely have a better experience, actually scratch that you will never forget that steak. I prefer spending money on a good steak once in a while then a bad steak every week!

can you cook steak over a campfire


  • Meat– Two rules: Fat and thick. A nice ribeye beef steak with bone with a lot of marbling (fat). At least 2 inches thick.
  • Salt – Coarse salt is best. Try not to use table salt.
  • Fire – You want to go for a nice thick layer of ambers. See BUILDING A FIRE.

can you cook steak over a campfire

I lied! I said you only need two ingredients to cook the perfect campfire steak but you actually need three!

Cooking Steaks On An Open Fire In Your Back Yard Or Camp


How long does it take to cook a steak over a campfire?

Now keep in mind, the steak can take a long time to cook over the coals when compared to cooking steak on a grill. Mine took 40 minutes, but the timing can vary. Make sure to check with an instant-read thermometer as your steak cooks to ensure they reach a perfect medium-rare temperature.

Can you cook steak over wood fire?

Before grilling, season your steaks generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and let them sit for 30 minutes at room temperature to ensure even cooking. 3. Prepare the Fire: You can build a wood or charcoal fire in your fire pit, ensuring a nice bed of hot coals.

How do you cook steaks while camping?

Seal them on a scorching hot grill for 45 seconds on each side (including the strip of fat). While the steaks are sealing, put a wok or camp oven on low heat with the butter. Once they have sealed, put them in the buttery pan or camp oven for approximately 20 minutes (for medium rare), turning every five minutes.

Can you cook meat on campfire?

Caveman style: throw your meat directly on top of the charcoal or wood embers in a hole dug in the ground. Cook on the rocks. Place or use stones that are adjacent to—but not in—the campfire. Let the stone heat up.

How to cook a steak on a campfire?

There are of course several ways to cook a steak, but on the campfire it will require very little beautification other than the aromatic flavor of wood and good salt. It is essential that the steak is left at room temperature before cooking to allow the fat in the meat to relax!

Can you cook steak on an open fire?

If flare ups do occur (caused by fat dripping on to hot coals), move the steak to another part of the grill until the flames subside as they can char the surface of the steak. The more you cook with an open flame, the more techniques you will pick up over time. Which cut of beef is best for cooking on an open fire?

How do you cook a steak in a wood fire?

Start a wood fire with several logs of dry hardwood at least two hours before the scheduled time of dinner. Take your steaks out of the refrigerator. Put on a plate away from flies and the dog, an hour before dinner time. Place a grid about 10 cm (4 in.) above the embers.

What to eat at a campfire?

Asparagus, onions, mushrooms, and corn off the cob can cook up pretty fast over a hot fire. But let’s not forget, the steak is your key to a fine campfire meal. Frankly, a burnt potato is far more tragic than a burnt steak. The rest are called sides for a reason.

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