can you use wheat flour for cupcakes

can you use wheat flour for cupcakes

From white to wheat, a baker’s guide Share

And now, for our grand finale, the magic trick youve all been waiting for:

With a wave of my magic wand, Im going to turn yummy chocolate cupcakes into just-as-yummy WHOLE WHEAT chocolate cupcakes.

Well, actually, theres no magic involved here – revelation, perhaps, but nothing miraculous.

Unless you count the miracle of white whole wheat flour, which manages to skillfully walk the line between all-purpose (white) flour and whole wheat, combining signature attributes of both: white flours ease of use and mild (read: neutral) flavor; and all of traditional (red) whole wheats fiber and enhanced nutrition.

Pictured above is our organic white whole wheat; we also carry a standard version.

These cupcakes are whole wheat? Really?

Well, some of them are 100% white whole wheat (WWW). Some are half all-purpose (AP) flour, half white whole wheat; and some are 100% AP flour.

The point is, its nearly impossible to tell which is which. Once Id finished my tests and mixed them all up, there was absolutely no way to tell them apart.

And isnt that the goal, when youre trying to convert a recipe from all-purpose flour to whole grain?

Now clearly, chocolate cake benefits by its dark color, which hides whole wheats deeper hue. But what about a simple yellow cake?

Here are some pictures of Plain & Simple Golden Cake, made with various combinations of white and whole wheat flour.

At left, thats 100% AP flour on the top; 100% WWW flour beneath it.

In the photo at upper right, the lineup reads 50% AP/50% WWW; 100% AP; and 100% WWW.

And at bottom right, a couple of half-moons: 100% WWW on the left, 100% AP on the right. You may be able to see in this picture that the 100% whole wheat cake has a slightly rough surface, and tends to crumble more easily than its white-flour counterpart. The bran, with its sharp edges, shreds the cakes gluten (the substance that holds baked goods together). Thus, a bran-packed cake might crumble a bit, especially when baked in full-size layers.

So cupcakes it is, as I test substituting whole wheat flour for all-purpose in the following three types of cake: a dense, moist, oil-based carrot cake; a lighter, pound-cake type lemon cake; and a typical “cream the fat, sugar, and eggs, add the flour and liquid alternately” devils food cake.

Lets start with the carrot cake.

I decide to use King Arthurs Carrot Cake Cupcakes, since it earns high marks from you, our readers.

Here are the various flour combinations Im testing. The tests will be the same for all three recipes, so keep them in mind:

  • 100% all-purpose (AP) flour
  • 50% AP/50% white whole wheat flour (WWW)
  • 50% unbleached cake flour/50% WWW
  • 100% WWW

I begin by stirring together the batter – literally. This is one of those “stir it up” cakes: no creaming, no alternate additions of flour and liquid.

Bake the cupcakes – no difference in color.

A slight difference in rise, however. Notice how the cake flour/WWW cupcake rises similarly to the 100% AP one. And the 100% WWW cupcake (at left, in the top picture above) is rather flat across the top.

Texture-wise, another interesting (though somewhat expected) result: the cupcake made with cake flour, even though its also 50% whole wheat, has the finest texture.

And how about the taste? All taste exactly the same: delicious. I love this recipe because its not overly sweet.

Which makes it perfect for its crown of cream cheese frosting.

Next, lets move to a tougher challenge: a light-textured, light-colored cake.

One recipe for Lemon Bliss Cake cupcakes, coming right up!

I put together four variations of batter. The recipe calls for creaming the butter and sugar, beating in the eggs, then adding flour alternately with milk. I dutifully do just that – for each of the four batters.

Im telling you, doing tests like this is not for the easily distracted. Luckily, my husband and dog disappear for the morning – blessed silence!

Notice the difference in color between 100% AP (left), and 100% WWW (right).

That color variation carries all the way through.

But the rise? No real difference.

And the texture of all four is very similar, too.

The only difference? The slightly grainy “mouth feel” of the 100% WWW cupcake. Rather than being melt-in-your-mouth smooth, the bran gives it a bit of bite.

Lemon glaze is the perfect final touch. I dip the top of each cupcake into the glaze repeatedly – until its gone, absorbed into the moist cupcakes.

And now, what weve all been waiting for: Devils Food Cake, reincarnated as cupcakes.

This recipe, printed in our King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook, makes an old-fashioned, shortening-based cake. I figure itll be a good test to see how well an older recipe takes to whole wheat conversion.

Four batters – like the lemon cake, made using the “creaming” method.

No noticeable difference in batter consistency, nor in rise during baking.

Nor in texture – though the cake-flour version might be a tad finer-grained.

Again, the 100% WWW cupcake has a detectable graininess; not unpleasant, just noticeable.

But heck, once you add that ganache on top – who cares?!

Wait a minute: wheres the spongecake? The angel food?

I decided not to go there. Just like some words are best left unsaid, some recipes are best left unadulterated.

But hey, if you want to make an angel food cake with whole wheat flour, be my guest – and please let us know how it goes.

Me? Ill stick with my white-flour jelly rolls and angel food – and pick up some extra fiber in these cupcakes.

So, there you have it: the final installment in our White to Wheat, a Bakers Guide series. Interested in converting more of your favorite recipes from all-purpose to whole wheat flour? Check out these additional “white to wheat” guides:

Tips for perfect fruit scones.

Planet-friendly changes you can start making today.

A mashup cannoli cheesecake, a mind-blowing churro cupcake, and more.

Recipe of the Year 2024

See our complete collection of Tips and Techniques posts.

can you use wheat flour for cupcakes

Super Moist Vanilla Cupcakes | With WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR | No Egg No Milk No Butter Cake.


Is wheat flour good for cupcakes?

You can use either regular whole wheat flour or sprouted whole wheat flour in these cupcakes. Sprouted whole wheat flour is a particularly nutritious option which may also be more easily digestible.

Can I use wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour for cake?

Yes you can. The cake will likely be a bit more dense and some proportions will be different. You will want a recipe for using whole wheat flour to bake a cake and fortunately the internet has lots of recipes for that.

Which flour is best for cupcakes?

cake flour has a low protein content and high starch content. making it perfect for a super soft and fluffy texture. all purpose flour has a higher protein content. and will make a cake that is shorter and has a more coarse texture.

Can I use wheat flour for baking?

Both plain white flour and whole wheat flour are fantastic for baking pastry, cakes, shortbreads and everything else in between. If you’re looking for baking ideas for your next baking adventure, check out our online baking recipes!

Can you use whole wheat flour in cupcakes?

You can use either regular whole wheat flour or sprouted whole wheat flour in these cupcakes. Sprouted whole wheat flour is a particularly nutritious option which may also be more easily digestible. These cupcakes are sweetened with maple syrup. You can substitute another liquid sweetener such as agave if you prefer.

Can some of the flour in baked donuts be substituted with wheat germ?

Wheat germ can be substituted for part of the flour in baked donuts. The rest of the donut flour must be able to rise and thus the final product is formed.

Does whole wheat flour make a cake crumble?

The greater percentage of whole wheat flour in your cake, the more prone it is to crumbliness; bran’s sharp edges cut the gluten network that provides the cake’s structure, causing it to weaken and crumble. In addition, even at low levels of usage you may notice whole wheat flour’s graininess; it stands out in cake’s otherwise smooth texture.

Can I substitute whole wheat flour for all-purpose flour in cake?

Cupcakes! So cupcakes it is, as I test substituting whole wheat flour for all-purpose in the following three types of cake: a dense, moist, oil-based carrot cake; a lighter, pound-cake type lemon cake; and a typical “cream the fat, sugar, and eggs, add the flour and liquid alternately” devil’s food cake. Let’s start with the carrot cake.

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