can you eat raw quinoa in smoothies

This Quinoa Smoothie with Coffee is the perfect healthy way to start the day! With coffee, quinoa flakes, ground flax, cocoa powder and banana, your energy levels will soar. Perfect for busy mornings, this recipe is a cinch to throw together – and you can even mix the dry ingredients the night before.

I have tried for years to make smoothies a regular part of my diet because it is such an easy way to pack in the nutrition!

Smoothies are the perfect meal to help me with my weight loss goals. (The struggle is real.) They help keep me away from the cracker box when Ive got a million things to do and am hangry.

(Sadly, this is all too often. I get busy and forget to eat and wind up crazy hungry. I have a big weakness for carbs with empty calories when I am stressed.)

Like a lot of you, I am a huge fan of green smoothies that make the rest of my family run for cover.

(Ive been meaning to try a green smoothie bowl, and this one looks amazing!)

If I am having a smoothie first thing in the morning, this is my go-to recipe.

It is indulgent enough to keep me from running to that bag of chocolate covered almonds in the fridge. Plus this vegan smoothie is perfect for those busy mornings when there isnt enough time for both coffee and breakfast.

The idea of putting quinoa in your smoothie may seem strange to you – but stick with me on this one.

People have been putting oatmeal in smoothies for years. This is a great alternative for those who are so gluten-sensitive that they have to avoid oats, or those looking to add a complete source of plant-based protein.

If you use cooked quinoa rather than flakes, remember to not cook it in broth. Because that would be….just, gross. Instead, water or juice is a much better alternative here.

In a Smoothie If you have a powerful blender, you can blend raw, uncooked quinoa into a smoothie. It makes a high protein, high fiber breakfast or meal replacement any time of the day.
can you eat raw quinoa in smoothies

Frequently Asked Questions for this Quinoa Smoothie Recipe:

Actually, quinoa by itself has very little flavor, so chances are you wont even notice it.

The primary reason is to add nutrition. It is an excellent whole food alternative to using protein powders. (Which are sometimes highly processed and can contain GMO ingredients.) This is a great way to make a drink that will keep you fueled until lunch.

Quinoa Flakes are pressed quinoa. It is like the difference between whole oats and oatmeal. While quinoa is excellent on its own, the flakes have a very light texture to them and get mushy easily. I personally dont care for flakes other than to use in place of breading, in smoothies and in other recipes. They disappear in smoothies so well! FYI, flakes make a great baby food!

The only way I would recommend eating it raw is if you soaked it and sprouted it first. If you dont wish to cook it in traditional methods, you can also bake it or pop it.

can you eat raw quinoa in smoothies

  • A high-speed blender is recommended to make this quinoa smoothie. This is less important if you are using quinoa flakes, which blend easily into a smoothie. A low powered blender will have a difficult time getting cooked quinoa blended. (i.e., you may end up needing to chew your smoothie.)

* The smoothie is a darker colour in the video as I used a different mix of frozen berries that contained more blackberries!

If you try my Quinoa Smoothie Recipe, then please do leave me a comment and a star rating below. You can also share your pictures with me on Instagram. I always love to see your creations!

A protein packed smoothie made with quinoa, greek yogurt and berries. A delicious and healthy snack the whole family will love!

When you think of a protein shake do you think of those artificial tasting powders that you have to mix for 10 minutes just to get the nasty lumps to dissolve?

You can serve this protein smoothie at any time of day, but I think it makes a fantastic breakfast smoothie.

Can you eat quinoa raw?


Is it okay to eat uncooked quinoa?

Quinoa can be eaten raw or uncooked if it is first soaked and sprouted, but some experts advise that quinoa should always be cooked, not consumed as a raw sprout. It is equally nutritious in sprout form, but cooking may be a safer and more versatile way to include it in your diet.

Can you eat quinoa by itself?

Meal possibilities are endless as quinoa will also absorb the flavor of any dressing or extra ingredients you toss it with. Plus, it’s also great on its own for a filling side dish loaded with amino acids and minerals – simply drizzle with a bit of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper, and enjoy!

What is the healthiest way to eat quinoa?

Toss it in salads. Quinoa is a complete source of protein and makes a great addition to a healthy salad. The combination of fiber, protein and healthy fats can turn a light side salad into a robust entrée.

How much raw quinoa per day?

Studies have reported that consumption of one serving of quinoa (about 40 g) meets an important part of daily recommendations (RDA) for essential nutrients and health-improving compounds.

Are quinoa smoothies vegan?

Vegan quinoa smoothies are a delicious way to provide your body with the protein it needs to stay focused and full all morning long. From juicy berry blends to cinnamony-sweet coffee, the ingredient options are virtually limitless!

Is quinoa gluten free?

Quinoa is naturally gluten free. It is a good choice for those with celiac disease or for those with gluten intolerance. Quinoa may come in contact with gluten containing grains if it is purchased in the bulk section of your grocery store and therefore caution should be used in those with celiac disease. Quinoa is commonly used as an alternative to other grains, although it is not technically a grain, but the edible seeds of the plant.

How do you eat quinoa in a smoothie Bowl?

Add a splash of almond milk or coconut water to achieve the desired consistency. Top your smoothie bowl with fresh fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for added sweetness. These quinoa-based salads and bowls aren’t just satisfying but also a great way to incorporate quinoa into your raw food diet.

Can you eat quinoa raw?

In conclusion, while it is technically possible to eat quinoa raw, it is generally advised to cook it before consumption to remove the bitter-tasting saponin coating and avoid potential gastrointestinal issues. Properly cooked quinoa offers a plethora of nutritional benefits and can be incorporated into various delicious recipes.

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