can you get drunk off grey goose vodka

The best way to drink GREY GOOSE® Vodka is up to you — either straight or in a cocktail. This versatile vodka works well with many mixers and is a great spirit for a wide array of cocktails. Visit our Cocktails section for some great suggestions. Looking for lighter options? Check out the lighter side of cocktails. If you decide to drink GREY GOOSE® straight, keep these vodka tasting notes in mind.

can you get drunk off grey goose vodka

The best way to drink GREY GOOSE® Vodka is up to you — either straight or in a cocktail. This versatile vodka works well with many mixers and is a great spirit for a wide array of cocktails. Visit our Cocktails section for some great suggestions. Looking for lighter options? Check out the lighter side of cocktails. If you decide to drink GREY GOOSE® straight, keep these vodka tasting notes in mind.

I don’t expect to pull Grey Goose from its laurels in the eyes of the populous, but I do hope a few people have open eyes. Grey Goose isn’t what it claims to be. It’d be a wonderful vodka in a lower price range with different expectations. Where it stands, it’s simply an overstatement.

That said, he did an excellent job with his trickery. He created a brand that made him a ton of money and is arguably thought of as the best vodka on the market by the general public. I know a lot of vodkas get made just to score some cash. The reason Grey Goose bugs me is that Frank successfully duped the American public into believing that this vodka is something special when it really isn’t.

Let me first make it clear that Grey Goose is a sham. It was created by an American guy, Sidney Frank, as cash grab. What I mean is that Grey Goose is the boy band of the vodka world and Sidney Frank is Lou Perlman. There is nothing inherently special about it. It has no historical recipe or special, modern processes to improve quality. It doesn’t even have a heart warming story. Frank planted the distillery in France to take advantage of the perceived elegance of the country. He even jacked the price up so that people would believe it is of higher quality. Let me say it again for those hard of reading: Grey Goose is a sham.

I won’t protest that Grey Goose is a smooth vodka. It certainly isn’t a good tasting vodka. It’s a little bitter at first. Then it gets more bitter. After it goes down, the aftertaste is even more bitter. It doesn’t burn, but I’ve tasted better vodkas that are a lot cheaper and a lot less pretentious. That said, I’ve tasted worse. A chaser wasn’t necessary, but I wouldn’t mind one.

Costco Vodka vs Grey Goose


How strong is GREY Goose vodka?

What is the alcohol content of GREY GOOSE® Vodka? GREY GOOSE® Vodka contains 40% alcohol by volume giving it a classification of 80 proof.

Is Grey Goose easy to drink straight?

It’s so smooth and love drinking it straight as a shot!

What alcohol gets you drunk the fastest?

Hard liquors can get you drunk faster than beer or wine, as they have a higher alcohol content. Doing shots can be particularly useful, as you’ll be absorbing high alcohol products very fast. Vodka in particular has been shown to increase the speed of intoxication.

How long does it take for vodka to hit?

Vodka. Vodka is a potent liquid that can quickly affect the body within 10 to 15 minutes of ingestion due to its fast absorption rate into the bloodstream. As the alcohol content in the blood increases, the signs of intoxication become more apparent and can be felt within as little as five minutes after drinking.

How do you drink Grey Goose without diluting vodka?

For those who prefer a chilled drink without diluting the vodka, serving it on the rocks is the way to go. Pour Grey Goose over large ice cubes in a lowball glass and enjoy the slight dilution as the ice melts, releasing Grey Goose’s complex flavors. 3. Chilled Chilling vodka helps to bring out its rich and smooth texture.

Does Grey Goose vodka have alcohol?

From a refined Grey Goose Martini to a refreshing Le Grand Fizz (incorporating St-Germain elderflower liqueur, lime, and soda water) or even a classic Bloody Mary, Grey Goose is the perfect base for a myriad of cocktails. What’s the Alcohol Content in Grey Goose? Grey Goose vodka boasts an alcohol content of 40%, which is standard for most vodkas.

Can you freeze Grey Goose vodka?

To properly chill Grey Goose, place a bottle in the freezer for at least a couple of hours before serving. Pour into a chilled vodka or shot glass and enjoy immediately. Beyond the classic serving methods, Grey Goose vodka can also be used to create a variety of elegant and delicious cocktails: 1. Grey Goose Martini

How do you drink Grey Goose?

To enjoy Grey Goose neat, simply pour a small serving (1-2 ounces) into a lowball or snifter glass. Take your time and savor the smoothness and subtle notes of citrus and almond. 2. On the Rocks For those who prefer a chilled drink without diluting the vodka, serving it on the rocks is the way to go.

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