do cold pressed juices go bad

You dropped the kids off at school. And got through your favorite hot yoga class. Win.

But now you’re starrrving. You reach into the back of the fridge only to find that your favorite green juice is now brown —eek. If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Life gets busy and the back of the fridge can quickly turn into a grocery graveyard.

The struggle is real…but it doesn’t have to be. With the right knowledge, you can learn to keep your juice fresh, recognize signs of spoilage, and reap all the health benefits that raw juice has to offer.

Cold pressing creates a 100% natural, raw juice. As a result, it is highly perishable by modern grocery store standards. If kept refrigerated at 38 degrees or below, it will last for up to 4 days.
do cold pressed juices go bad

How Long Does Cold-Pressed Juice Last?

Store-bought juices have a longer shelf life than raw, cold-pressed juices. This is due to those high heat and pressure treatments that make it possible for juices to last on grocery store shelves for months on end—this is anything but fresh.

Since we skip the use of any such treatments and are committed to using fresh produce daily, our bottled juices do have a quicker expiration date.

To maintain freshness and preserve the maximum nutritional value, we strongly recommend keeping our products frozen until you are ready to consume them. Thaw the bottles in the refrigerator. Thawing may take up to 48 hours, depending on how cold your refrigerator is. Juices must be consumed within 24 hours of thawing. Never consume juices left out at room temperature or past the suggested 24-hour mark (even if they were thawed in the refrigerator).

The Benefit of Our Cold-Pressed Juices Vs. Store Bought Juice:

Consuming fresh, cold-pressed juice offers a world of difference compared to store-bought pasteurized juice. Refraining from heating and treating means all essential nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants stay intact. Not only are these 100% raw juices providing you with an abundant amount of nutrients with every sip, but they also taste way better than chemically treated juices from the grocery store.

The fruits and vegetables in raw cold-pressed juices provide a plethora of health benefits, like hydration, improved digestion, gentle detox, enhanced mental clarity, clearer skin, and weight loss. You simply are not getting the same results from heated and treated juices.

Because juices in the store undergo harsh processes, it completely degrades the quality and taste of these juices. The result is a product full of added sugars and preservatives or added vitamins to compensate for the loss of natural flavor and nutrients—and virtually way fewer benefits than our products.

While store-bought juices may have a lengthier shelf life, its important to understand that these processes diminish quality, so the next time you reach for juice, make sure it’s from Raw Generation, which is made with 100% raw, real ingredients— minis the harsh processing.

Best Way to Store Fresh Juice for 7 Days & Preserve Nutrition


How can you tell if cold-pressed juice is bad?

Color: Significant changes in color, from vibrant to murky, are typically a warning sign (i.e., green juice turning brown). Nutritionist Tip- This is not to be confused with the natural separation in fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Texture: Chunky or slimy texture indicates a lack of freshness.

How long do cold-pressed juices last?

How long will the juice last? Cold Pressed Juices may last between 3-5 days or sometimes more. However, after day 1 the juices lose about 40% of their nutrition value. Having said that the juice made with fast juicers are produced with fewer nutrients and lose about 40% of nutrition value within the first hour.

Is it bad to drink expired cold-pressed juice?

And cold-pressed juices should not be consumed after they pass their expiration dates. The cold-pressed juicing process is an alternative to the industrial juicing process; the juice is extracted by hydraulic presses rather than by a traditional centrifugal extractor.

What is the downside of cold-pressed juice?

Because cold-pressed juice is low in fiber and high on the glycemic index, it’s not the best drink for keeping you full. Drinking too much juice may even add calories to your diet and hinder your weight loss efforts.

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