what can i use instead of carpet powder

I use this two ingredient homemade carpet freshener recipe all the time and realized I have never shared it with you!

One of the most popular posts ever on Chemistry Cachet is our 3 ingredient carpet cleaner. Readers love it because it is easy and it works! Plus, there is actually science going on behind the scenes showing why it works so well.

I don’t always need to clean my carpet though, so I use this homemade carpet refresher all the time to keep everything smelling clean!

Although this is such a simple post, I still want to share with you the chemistry behind a simple DIY like this. Also, be sure to read the important chemist tips at the bottom on ideas for substitutions too.

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This Carpet Powder recipe makes 1 cup, however, you can certainly double the recipe to make more. Start by pouring 1 cup baking soda into a glass mixing bowl. Then add in 20-30 drops of essential oil. (If you desire a milder scent, feel free to use less essential oil.)
what can i use instead of carpet powder

Chemist Tips on Creating a DIY Carpet Deodorizing Powder That Actually Works!

This deodorizing powder not only freshens your carpet, but it can help eliminate odors too. There is a good reason why this simple two ingredient combinations work. All based on science! I know readers love to hear WHY we use the items we use in each homemade solution like this. So, I will share the fun chemistry behind the scenes.

Sodium Bicarbonate, baking soda, is such a versatile tool for the home. If you own our eBook, then you have read the neat history behind baking soda and it’s uses.

When it comes to odor elimination, baking soda is one of the best household options. Since it is a salt, it has the power to absorb odor, dirt, liquid, and anything else that may linger in things like carpet fibers. One of the neatest things is seeing how well it works in this homemade carpet cleaner. It soaks up stains along with the vinegar which releases carbon dioxide and breaks up the stain further.

For this recipe, the baking soda neutralizes the odors that sit deep into carpet fibers. If you have bought carpet powder from the store, most brands contain sodium bicarbonate.

Some vacuums are not made for powder though – the motors just can’t handle it! I actually have an older thrift store vacuum that I use just for this purpose. Shop vacs are also great! This recipe is for those of you that buy carpet powder & already have a vacuum that they use to suck up the powder with

All you need is baking soda & orange essential oil. You can use other essential oils if you like, but I like the orange because of the great clean smell that it gives off. Some readers have also suggested using cloves instead of the essential oil, and while I haven’t tried that personally – I’ve heard some great stuff about it!

Mix the baking soda & several drops of the orange essential oil (or other essential oil of your choice) together in a bowl using a whisk. Then, spoon the mixture into your shaker. OR… you can do this the lazy way like me and just put it all into your container & do the hokey pokey & shake all around…

You can also add a couple tablespoons of borax (found with the laundry detergent) or food grade D.E. to repel fleas. The food grade d.e. is great for repelling bed bugs too!

This homemade carpet powder is cheap & it has not met an odor that it doesn’t take care of.

DIY ~ All Natural Carpet Freshener


How can I freshen my carpet without powder?

Once the area is dry, mix 2 cups of warm water with 1 cup of white vinegar and lightly spray the carpet. The powerful acidity in the vinegar will dislodge the odor-causing compounds and exterminate them for good (or until the next time you leave the window open during a torrential downpour, whoopsies!).

What is a good alternative to Glade carpet powder?

Baking soda Plain old baking soda is inexpensive, nontoxic, and completely natural. It absorbs unpleasant odors and excess moisture — and is a godsend when your animal pees or your kid loses their lunch on the carpet (why is it always on the carpet?) Read more baking soda deodorizer uses!

Can you use baking soda for carpet powder?

Indeed, that’s correct. Sprinkling baking soda on your carpet before vacuuming can be an effective way to eliminate odors. Baking soda absorbs and neutralizes various odors, leaving your carpet fresher. Let it sit for about 15-30 minutes before vacuuming thoroughly.

What do you sprinkle on carpet before vacuuming?

Baking soda works great for general pet odor deodorizing. For example, if your car smells like your dog, sprinkle some baking soda onto the carpet and upholstery and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before vacuuming it up. This can work in the living room or on your pet’s bed as well.

How do you use carpet deodorizer powder?

Carpet deodorizer powder works basically the same way, no matter what type it is. Sprinkle the powder over the carpet, and allow at least 30 minutes for it to do its job — the longer you leave it on, the better. Later, vacuum the carpet — go over the floor a few times with the vacuum cleaner, in different directions.

What is the best substitute for chili powder?

Chili powders are usually a combination of garlic, salt, ground chilies, and cumin. For those who cannot eat chili peppers or need a substitute for a recipe, a homemade spice blend is a good option. For example, garlic powder, salt, black pepper for the spicy kick, and cumin. Some people cannot consume peppers because of a nightshade allergy. Making spice blends at home can help minimize the possible cross contamination and give the individual more control over the flavor of their blend.

Do you need a deodorizing powder to make your carpets smell fresh?

The good news is that you don’t need toxic substances and/or heavy perfumes of any kind to make your carpets — and by extension, your home — smell fresh again. Natural sprays and deodorizing powders don’t pollute your indoor air, and both work great to tackle odors.

Can you use carpet deodorizer powder on a vacuum?

Later, vacuum the carpet — go over the floor a few times with the vacuum cleaner, in different directions. And don’t worry: carpet deodorizer powder won’t ruin your vacuum cleaner — if anything, it’ll deodorize your machine, too! Grove tip: Make sure the powder is dry when you vacuum it up to preserve your vacuum cleaner’s lifespan.

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