is tonic water full of sugar

Tonic water has been around as a classic mixer for over a century. Often praised for its bitter complexity and bubbly charm, tonic water has a secret both bitter and sweet: its surprising sugar content. Read on as we delve into the depths of tonic waters nutritional profile and uncover a paradoxical truth—a beverage once hailed for its medicinal properties might not be as healthy for you as it seems. We’ll also explore several alternatives, including OLIPOP, a healthier and more delicious beverage, that contains significantly less sugar than tonic water.

Tonic water A standard serving of tonic water is often smaller, which might mean that you might drink less sugar per portion, but for the same portion size, it’s comparable to other sugary fizzy drinks (7.4g sugar per 150ml can).
is tonic water full of sugar

Tonic Water Nutrition Facts

Here is the nutrition information for one 12-ounce (366g) serving of tonic water according to the USDA:

  • Calories: 115
  • Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 44mg
  • Carbohydrates: 32g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Sugars: 32g

What starts as a fairly benign list takes a shocking turn when the back label reveals that a normal bottle of tonic water contains over 30 grams of sugar! That’s nearly as much sugar as there is in a can of regular Coca-Cola (39g). Tonic water, it turns out, might not be a tonic at all, and should hardly be called water—unless you’re calling it sugar water!

What Is Seltzer Water?

Seltzer water offers a clean and neutral taste, characterized by its crisp carbonation and absence of added flavors or sweeteners. This purity makes seltzer a popular carbonated option for mixed drinks or enjoyed on its own as a refreshing thirst-quencher.

You produce seltzer by infusing carbon dioxide into purified water under pressure, resulting in natural carbonation without the need for additional ingredients. This straightforward manufacturing process ensures seltzer maintains its calorie-free and unsweetened status. With zero calories, sugar, or artificial additives, seltzer water stands out as a guilt-free beverage choice, making it particularly appealing to those seeking a healthier alternative to sugary sodas or mixers.

How much sugar is in a gin and tonic?


Is tonic water good or bad for you?

Tonic water is a carbonated soft drink that may contain sugar and has little nutritional value. The quinine present in tonic water provides a distinctive bitter flavor. While not dangerous, tonic water does not have any major benefits and could lead to an unnecessary increase in calorie consumption.

What has more sugar tonic or soda water?

Given that sugar or corn syrup is added, twelve ounces of tonic water has 32 grams of sugar and 124 calories on average, while club soda contains no sugar and no calories. However, club soda has more sodium than tonic water, with 74 grams in a twelve-ounce bottle of club soda versus 44 grams for tonic water.

Can a diabetic drink tonic water?

Soda or sparkling water will usually be fine as it should simply be carbonated rather than sweetened. However, it is worth checking if you get the chance. Also, don’t make the mistake of asking for tonic water by mistake as tonic water is usually sweetened.

What has more sugar Sprite or tonic?

In fact, one glass of tonic water has more sugar than the same amount of Sprite.

Does tonic water have sugar?

Tonic water often contains as much sugar as soft drinks. Slightly bitter and fizzy, tonic water is a carbonated beverage that’s often mixed with vodka or gin and is sometimes even consumed on its own. Like most other fizzy drinks, tonic water is available in regular and diet varieties.

Is it good to drink squeezed lime in tonic water?

When it comes to relieving the heat during the summer, tonic water works as a light and refreshing option and can be consumed on its own or with citrus fruits – with slices of lemon and orange, for example. This type of mixture is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and is very good for the health of the skin and hair.

Should you drink tonic water if you’re high in sugar?

But Amer says that since it’s very high in sugar, the nutritional cons will likely outweigh the tonic water benefits in most cases. “I don’t recommend choosing beverages with added sugar to meet your daily hydration quota,” she says.

Is all tonic water sweet?

Tonic water can be sweet as all tonic waters are sweetened with something – whether it be high fructose corn syrup, sugar, or a sweetener. Is All Tonic Water Made with High Fructose Corn Syrup? Not all tonic waters contain high fructose corn syrup.

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