what temperature should halibut be grilled at

Halibut is a great fish to incorporate into any recipe that calls for whitefish, and can even be used as a substitute for chicken in the right dish. When grilled properly it is firm and flaky, and surprisingly mild.

However, halibut can be a little temperamental to prepare correctly. Its low-fat content gives it a reputation for drying out easily and becoming overcooked. That low oil content can also create problematic interactions with your cooking surface: sticking can cause the delicate flaky muscle to fall apart, rendering a costly fillet nearly unrecognizable.

To get the best flavor, season your fish with salt and pepper before grilling, and grill over moderately high heat.

The temperature for grilled halibut? Medium high heat, or 375 to 450 degrees. Medium high heat makes for a perfectly cooked piece of fish. While you can cook at high heat and then finish at lower heat, we like the ease of grilling at one temperature.
what temperature should halibut be grilled at

Three Tips to Grilled Halibut

Here are a few of our thermal secrets to help avoid leaving your guests high and dry with an overcooked piece of grilled halibut:

Monitor the Internal Temperature of Your Halibut While it Cooks

Halibut is so easy to overcook that we recommend monitoring the fillet with a Thermapen while it cooks. A few seconds (or degrees) too long and an otherwise perfect main course can be rendered unpalatable.

An instant-read thermometer, like the Thermapen Mk4, is ideal for checking your halibut’s internal temperature as it sits on the grill. The Thermapen’s thin-tip probe is perfect for navigating the delicate flaky tissue characteristic of halibut.

As a general rule, fish takes a total of 10 minutes to cook per inch of thickness. This is just a guideline but can help you know what to expect. give half that time to each side of the filet, and monitor the temperature especially on the second side.

Flaky and Tender GRILLED HALIBUT | How To


What temp should halibut be cooked to?

Aim for an internal temperature anywhere between 130 degrees F and 135 degrees F. Any lower than this, and halibut won’t flake easily with a fork. Cooked past 135 degrees F, Pacific halibut can become quite tough and difficult to flake.

How do you know when halibut is done on the grill?

Flip fish and cook until it can be flaked with a fork and is opaque almost all the way through, or until it registers between 130 and 135°F (54 and 57°C) on an instant-read thermometer inserted in middle of fillet, 3 to 5 minutes more.

Is halibut hard to grill?

Because this fish will dry out easily, the grilling time on halibut is pretty short. So make sure to keep a close eye on it to avoid overcooking. A 1-inch halibut steak will grill up in about 10 minutes over medium-high heat while thinner cuts and fillets can cook in as little time as 6 minutes.

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